What Is A Leopard Gecko and why do they make such great pets?

What is a Leopard Gecko?

The Leopard Geckos were first named as a species specifically as Eublepharis Macularis by Edward Blyth a British Zoologist back in 1854. The name Eublepharis were derived from the Greek words “Eu” (meaning True) and blephar (meaning eyelid). Having an eyelid is what distinguishes members of this subfamily apart from other Geckos. Macularius came from the Latin word “Macula” which means “spot or blemish”, this is in reference to the leopard Geckos natural spot like markings.

Leopard Geckos are natives of Pakistan, Iran, India and Afghanistan where mostly the geographical location is dry and rocky terrain. Geckos are known to be nocturnal creatures, and are known to live under ground.

One of Leopard Geckos main characteristics is its triangular head and large tail, please note that fat is stored directly in the Gecko’s tail. A Geckos skin is patterned heavily and bumpy. Patterns are designed to hide or camouflage a Gecko from prospective danger from its predators.

Leopard Geckos make a great house pet. They are so tiny that they fit in a vivarium that uses up minimal space in your bedroom or living room. They also require less care and attention than other pets such as dogs. They are typically quiet by nature, they do not emit any bad smell or odor. Some leopard geckos do not like to be touched too often.

Leopard Geckos are also inexpensive compared to buying other exotic animals, they are also available legally from pet stores and other Gecko breeders. They come in variety of colors and pattern variations too. Thus, Leopard geckos are called as the perfect house pet.

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