Due Diligence
You should always conduct your own investigation (i.e. perform due diligence) before buying products or services online. This includes products and services sold on this website and all other websites.
FTC Affiliate Disclosure.
This blog may use affiliate programs and advertising for monetization. Unless otherwise expressly stated, you should assume that all references to products and services on this website are made because material connections exist between the website’s owner (“GekoGekoGal") and the providers of the mentioned products and services (“Provider”). This means, when you click on links to recommended posts and images to make a purchase, this can result in a commission that is credited to this website. The type of compensation I receive may vary from monetary to a gift or coupon.
Good Faith Recommendations.
I recommend products and services on this website based in part on a good faith belief that the purchase of such products or services will help purchasers in general. I want to keep a good relationship with my site visitors and readers which is why I am careful with the products I select.
Your Questions about Products and Services.
My goal is to make your experience using this website a pleasant, interesting and helpful one. If you have any questions about products or services mentioned on this website, please contact GekoGekoGal (leopardgecko.care at gmail dot com) and have those questions answered prior to making a purchase of such products or services.
Thanks for taking the time out to read this important section.