Ways to keep your leopard gecko happy | a happy leopard gecko is a healthy leopard gecko!!

Ways to make your Gecko happy

Here are the most basics tips in making and keeping your Leopard Gecko pets happy.

Always give them enough space. Do not overcrowd your Geckos. A space of 10 to 15 Gallon capacity is only good for one Gecko. While 15 to 20 Gallon capacity can accommodate at least two mature Geckos. Never put together 2 dominant Male Geckos in a same cage, to avoid fighting and eventually injuring each other.

Do not pick your Gecko by its tail. A Leopard Geckos tail is prone to falling off, it is basically their automatic response to any threat (i.e. predators attack). Although, their tail will definitely grow back, the new tail will not look like the first one that it replaced.

Geckos are known to be a solitary creature, as much as possible avoid touching them too often.

Do not use a substrate that will be hard for your pet to digest. Don't ever house them on sand no matter what people tell you.

Always, make your Geckos drinking bowl clean. Change it about once a day. Also, avoid putting the feeders near its drinking bowl to avoid contamination.

And make sure that you clean your Geckos habitat and wash your hands before and after handling and a leopard gecko too.

With these tips, we are sure that your Gecko will live longer and a much happier life.

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