Why are they called leopard geckos in the first place

Leopard geckos are so-called because their normal coloring is a yellow base with black spots and splotches on the body and a white underside. They are not related to the leopard in any way, it's just their patterning and coloring.

With breeding there are now tons of different colors and patterns available. The fact that there are a beautiful variety of colors and breeds available is one of the key reason for these gecko pets' popularity.

And no, they're definitely not called leopard geckos because

~ they hunt and eat humans!
~ they are seven times stronger than human beings
~ after the 80's hair band, Def Leppard
~ after Apple Mac's Snow Leopard software
~ they featured in the the Jungle book

Spottily yours until the next post

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Do you have a favorite type of leopard gecko?